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Yet another place to be traveled regarding popular tourist sites, is the Vatadage of Polonnaruwa, North central province of Sri Lanka. The ancient stupa was built by King Nishshankamalla (1187-1196). The structure is being recovered by a roof. At the center of the Stupa, to the four sides, fabulously carved Buddha images of Lord Buddha can be found. The roof is supported by two stone pillars and rests are fallen down.

The carved stone stairs which will lead you to the upper terrace is located in between two beautifully carved guard stones. Obviously, the ancient moonstone or the Sandakada Pahana of Polonnaruwa era is remarkable. Being a UNESCO world heritage site the city of Polonnaruwa is being developed with essential tourism facilities and infrastructure. In fact, with the transference from the Anuradhapura to Polonnaruwa the moonstone has been added with several changes. The four animals, the lion, the bull, and horse were concerned as the three main remains of the moonstone later. 

The bull was the vehicle of God Shiva, therefore it was taken off from the moonstone where all the people and devotees walked on. Dr. Arthur Maurice Hocart said that King Nisshankamalla had just renovated the Vatadage and was built by King Parakramabahu during the 12th century. However, this unique building is was later attacked with the South Indian Dravidian attacks. So that Vatadage seems to be neglected with the change of the kingdoms. In 1903, the department of Archeologists started to excavate the site and today the quadrangular area is open to the public. While the base diameter is about 27 feet the two leveled Vatadage terrace or platform is one of the well-preserved Vatadage buildings of Sri Lanka.

But is said that the kings used citizens build the Vatadage as a service instead of who were unable to pay the taxes to the king. Sri Lanka is mended with so many tourist attractions attached with glorious building construction. The remaining 8 feet stone columns of the Vatadage of Polonnaruwa are proved to be made by skilled craftsmen who contributed to the social, economic and religious development of our country. Travelers are expected to take caps and water bottles to get refreshed during their journeys. If so they can recover from hot sun rays. 

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